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Resolved! Decoding the STM32H563 datasheet (RM0481 rev 1)

The MCU is great, but the datasheet (in particular the SPI section) is very hard to read. Whatever the original language was, it wasn't English, and I guess Google translate has been involved. I've added an example below, and hope for ST to update th...

Dimlite by Associate III
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STM32L4R5VIT6 OctoSpi Read issue

The issue is: I'm using STM32L4R5VIT6 (as OCTOSPI master in Hyperbus mode) to test our OCTSPI slave, In this when we try to read data (or slave register read)  from slave, noticed that the first read data value is always (0x8888) and next values are ...

STM32_OCTSPI_Configurations.PNG observation.png
Gopal433 by Associate II
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RM0432 - HSITRIM default value might be wrong?

In the reference manual for STM32L4+ (RM0432), it states that the default value for HSITRIM[6:0] is 16, which seems to be the default for MCUs that have 5 bits allocated for the trimming value, not 7. The reset value is correct, but I suppose it shou...


board power consumption (L0, v3pwr, nucleo stm32l053r8)

Questions are at the endI did some measurements with nucleo stm32l053r8, stlinkv2 cut off, led3 removed power supply form v3pwr via3.3V cn6 pin4GND cn6 pin6Tools used stm cubemonitor power v1.2.1 & stlinkv3pwr multimeter (should still count as factor...

_richard by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32G4 series - I2C2 SDA and SMBA in datasheet switched?

I just noticed the following:In the datasheets for the G473 and G483 the pin table and alternate function table disagree which pin has the I2C2_SMBA and I2C2_SDA function.The pin table claims PA10 is I2C2_SMBA and PA8 is I2C2_SDA. The alternate funct...

AF_table.png pin_1.png pin_2.png
Loebl by Associate II
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I2C Slave interrupt mode not behaving as expected

Hi All,I need some help with setting up a I2C slave on a STM32L422 chip. I have tried following the example: STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.18.0/ NUCLEO-L412RB-P/examples/I2C_TwoBoards_ComIT but it doesn't seem to make sense to me. I realize it is not exactly th...


I was wondering if I could find any library for simulating IR signals with an STM32 microcontroller. I couldn't find any library for this purpose. While I did come across some work done by Controllers Tech on receiving IR signals from a re...

skuma.8 by Associate III
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