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ADC noise on STM32F413

Hello,For a project (control motor application), we are using ADC from MCU STM32F413. We encounter some noise on ADC measurments. We observe to high standard deviation on our ADC result.We show in errata doc of mcu  we an issue: "Internal noise impac...

AlexisC by Associate II
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UPGRADE FIRMWARE stm32l072kztx

Olá pessoal, estou tentando atualizar o micro firmware usando stm32 cubeIde stm32l072kztx. Já tentei usar os comandos AT^SISS e baixar o arquivo .HEX compilado via FTP, já tentei usar os comandos AT^SNFOTA, mas não funcionou. Baixando via FTP consigo...


Hi,I want to use input capture mode using TIMER2 feature of Stm32f730vbt6 microcontroller. I am receiving a pulse signal from the oscilloscope and I want to remove it via STM using the timer's input capture mode. What should I use in the code for thi...

Leylifer by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F756 Alternate function

Hi there, i come across AN4760 p55, configuring GPIOB with alternate functions :GPIOB->AFR[0] = 0x0A000900;  where does this 0A000900 come to config PB2 n PB6 to QSPI alternate function?GPIOB->AFR[1] = 0x00000000; ....GPIOF->AFR[0] |= 0x9900000000;  ...

StanJerm by Associate III
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Resolved! Timer compare function interrupt not triggered sometimes

Hi everyone, I meet a problem and I'm not sure it's MCU issue or I program not proper.I meet this issue both on the STM8 and STM32 MCUs.I enable TIM_2 Ch1 as input to capture the signal and TIM_2 Ch2 as output to do the compare function. void init_TI...

Joey_Duh by Associate II
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Resetting DMA memory pointer for USART TX

Hi,I'm using USART with DMA to transmit a fixed sized packet message from master to slave, and have the slave send back a fixed size response.   I have a freeRTOS enabled.  I have DMA setup in circular mode, and set the buffer size to twice the size ...

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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Using HAL_UART_Transmit outside main.c cause hardfault

Hello, I got a problem on 'HAL_UART_Transmit' function. I wrote a simple line to create and define unsigned char of 10 then send it through 'HAL_UART_Transmit' on different .c file.unsigned char A[10] = { ...... 10 value ......};HAL_UART_Transmit(&hu...

taoybb by Associate II
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