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Hello Everyone,I am facing problem in ADC section of  our project schematic. We are using ADS8505 Analog to digital converter as the output of ADC ranges from 0v to 5V and microcontroller which we are using(STM32F413ZGT6) is connected to 3.3 Volts su...
Hi All, I am facing problem with RTC in STM32.i have written function in my code where i am updating display function for time every 1 min. But whenever i am trying to  see the updated time in free running mode i am unable to see that. But it works f...
Hey all,I am facing problem in configuring my board in I2c protocol. When  i configured the same board in standard mode it is working fine. Rest of the settings for pins(pull-up) ,rise time and fall time are same in both the files. Also attaching wav...
When I configured development board's I2C I am receiving a short high pulse at 8th clock of SCL.I am attaching the waveform on scope following this post.Thanking in advance. 
When ever i am trying to copy data in SDRAM garbage value is getting transferred. Please suggest what can i do  I have attached necessary files with this post.Kindly suggest.
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