Can we expect to get lightweight option of the STM32CubeProgrammer for CLI applications (STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe) that does not require using STM32CubeProgrammer.The whole STM32CubeProgrammer package is over 600MB and contains variety of unnecessar...
I would like to create a Python GUI application based on PySide6. Within the application, I want to embed the funcionality to flash STM32 devices using STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe command line tool.The STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe comes with an installation...
Hello. I have been using STM32CubeIDE for a long time where I did not really need to bother about make or any other tools to build my projects since everything is already prepared for you within the STM32CubeIDE for the ease of use.My OS : Windows 11...
Hello. I have LIS3DH accelerometer and I would like to use it with my ST32F4 board.I have found the BSP drivers :STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.28.0\Drivers\BSP\Components\lis3dshand also available here:
Hey. I would like some clarification regarding writing to Flash memory. Specificially, 4 bytes (float values).I have the following code: void FLASH_write_single_float(uint32_t address, float data_to_send) {
if (address < 0x080E0000 || address > ...
I have already shown the snippet of the error with the UR mode with the ST-Link utility in my earlier response. If you want to see what command arguments I use:C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK Utility>ST-LINK_CL...
I get the following error when trying to use UR:Modifying RDPSTM32 ST-LINK CLI v3.3.0.0STM32 ST-LINK Command Line Interface[UR]: Connect under Reset is available only on ST-LINK/V2!This only happens in ST utility and does not happen in STM32CubeProgr...
That is obviously not acceptable as the STM32CubeCLT is even larger (over 2GB) than the STM32CubeProgrammer as it contains STM32CubeProgrammer + additional things.What I was asking is a stripped down version of STM32CubeProgrammer and you have sugges...
Still waiting for any feedback regarding this.We have tried to use STM32_ST-LINK_Utility which is outdated. It works most of the times and it is quite lightweight (35MB) instead of 600MB...The issue with this tool is that my particular STM32 device n...
Still not fixed for me on Version 6.13.0I get the following error when trying to build blank project for STM32F407ZGT c:/program files (x86)/gnu arm embedded toolchain/10 2021.10/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.ex...