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Hello. I have LIS3DH accelerometer and I would like to use it with my ST32F4 board.I have found the BSP drivers :STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.28.0\Drivers\BSP\Components\lis3dshand also available here:
Hey. I would like some clarification regarding writing to Flash memory. Specificially, 4 bytes (float values).I have the following code:  void FLASH_write_single_float(uint32_t address, float data_to_send) { if (address < 0x080E0000 || address > ...
I am reading multiple ADC channels using Circular DMA and I have got a question that I want to clarify On the STM32CubeMX, I have configured my ADC as following:As you can see from above, I have Scan Conversion Mode and DMA Continuous Requests enable...
Hey. I am working on a task which requires to measure time between 2 different impulses with high precision. We have custom board that generates output pulse based on the capacitor and resistor values. The Input is LOW to HIGH impulse (Green color on...
I have been reading a bit about neopixels and the communication protocol they work. I have been searching for a library for the WS2812B neopixel but could not find one that would work out of the box hence I have decided to write my own neopixel drive...