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Forum Posts

Error Writing 64 bit in FLASH

Tranferring data from serial input,(in my case idDA), or from an SD, may be you try to write a double word a time (64bit) in flash area and you may use the:HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_DOUBLEWORD, flash_ptr,codeData64). This function calls th...

Resolved! STM32 Controlling Resources via JTAG/SWD

I there a way (device or API) to control STM32 resources via JTAG or SWD without the need to downloading a custom program?  For example, setup GPIO pin with pull-up and direction and then write value.  In addition, be able to perform more advance sce...

NotSure by Associate II
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STM32U599xxxQ LDO <-> SMPS switch

Hi all,I'm unable to switch the internal regulator from the default LDO to the SMPS on the STM32U599NIH6Q. The function "HAL_PWREx_ConfigSupply" timeouts.The same binary file, when flashed on the two different STM32U5 dev kits (NUCLEO-595ZJ-Q and STM...

kvrbek by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 Power supply ripple voltage

Hi, What is acceptable ripple voltage on power supply pins on stm32? I am using DC/DC converter and have 100mVpkp at the output (+3.3V). I tied VDD and VDDA pin to one power supply as I am not planning to utilize an internal ADC. I am just planning t...

shin212 by Associate II
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STM32f103c8t6 can protocol

I am configuring can and sending data to other stm32f103c8 but when I connect the can H and can L on the channels of oscilloscope I don't get any signal. What could be the problem?,i used mcp2551 transceivercode for transmitting data :/* USER CODE BE...

STM32F407 Buffer printing HAL_UART_Transmit

Good morning everyone, after collecting some data and storing it in various buffers, I am trying to write them to the serial port for further processing. I am experiencing issues as I can see that something is being written to the serial port, but no...

davidec by Associate III
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