Resolved! ISOBUS application
Hi everyone, I checked but I couldn't find anything. Is there any application or demo project for ISOBUS communication on STM32 or demo boards? Thanks,Erdem
Hi everyone, I checked but I couldn't find anything. Is there any application or demo project for ISOBUS communication on STM32 or demo boards? Thanks,Erdem
Hi All,I have written a baremetal program for CAN Tx and Rx for the board STM32f103C8T6.The normal tx and rx function are working fine , next i have to simulate errors to see how the can system i have written works/performs.I have some ideas but am n...
I am about to release firmware to production and would like to include the proper options bits in the firmware so that production can simply program the .elf file at the same time as updating the option bits. I realize that there are several option ...
Hello, sorry if this question is in the wrong topic, first post on the STM community.So i'm working with a solution for updating the firmware on a STM32 M7 microcontroller (NUCLEO-F756ZG). I found a project on Github (ESP32-Musings/OTA_update_STM32_u...
Hi,We have build a custom board based on the STM32L4R9I-EVAL, On our board we also used PSRAM IS66WVH8M8ALL-100We are facing a problems using this PSRAM and we saw in the following forum discussions that it's a known issue and that the STM32L4R9 Doe...
Hi,I am using the Stm32f446RC MCU model for a sound application. I am using the X-Cube Audio library (STM32CubeExpansion_Audio_V1.1.1), which claims to support F4 and F7 versions. I want to control the audio levels using the SVC app, but when I call ...
Hi Can anyone help me understand the difference betweena) writing control loop and obtaining ADC values in HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback with ADC ISRsinstead ofb) writing control loop and obtaining ADC values in HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback using TIMER I...
I'm looking to reduce the flash size of my projectI saw that the BLE takes a lot of space.I'm already using the custom_ble_stack_conf.h where I enabled only the SECURE_CONNECTIONS_ENABLEDAre there any other steps I can take to reduce the size?Thanks
After connection?Or after pairing?
One of the addresses we selected for the device appeared as not connectable on android scan.