Hi! I have a code that is supposed to develop CAN-bus communication, but these two functions go straight to error handler. Any suggestions why that might be?
for reference I'm using the nucle-l433rc-p board.
Hi I'm new in working with CAN-bus. My project involves two stm32 boards (both are nucleo-l433rc-p) and I want to get CAN-bus communication between them. The code is supposed to make a build in LED blink each time the blue button on the main nucleo b...
Hi I'm very new in working with CAN-bus. My project involves two stm32 boards (both are nucleo-l433rc-p) and I want to get CAN-bus communication between them. The code is supposed to make a build in LED blink each time the blue button on the main nuc...
Hi! I've seen some tutorials on can communication and notice that each of them use different StdId's. I'm using two nucle-l433rc-p boards, do I need a specific StdId or will any number between 0 and 0x7FF suffice?
From what do you deduct that SB68/70 aren't bridged? I claim to say that they do look to have a gap in between. Also do you want me to choose which of them i want to clear the bridging or both of them?
I used the "step into" function to see where the code breaks. I unfrozeif (HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&RCC_OscInitStruct) != HAL_OK) and stepped inside it. And that's where the code (in between the libraries) just loops around. I can click step into countless...