While building a project in Clion.It error for sys/stat.h: No such file or directory
It is the first time I use Cion to building a STM32CubeMx Project,But I encounter these problems.
It is the first time I use Cion to building a STM32CubeMx Project,But I encounter these problems.
Hello everyone,I created a new project with STM32Cube Version: 1.13.2 on Linux, selected my microcontroller (STM32WB35CCU6A), enabled all peripherals necessary (including USB and SWD, haven’t enabled anything RF related (yet)), and tried to upload my...
Due to engineering requirements, the code is divided into two parts: USB DFU, including encrypted signature verification, and the APP code with header signature file. Currently, there is an attempt to rewrite the flash in the USB DFU orange section f...
I have VREFBUF configured for output to comparator on my board. I see this on MCU Vref+ pin...Is 1.2MHz waveform typical? Are capacitors on Vref+ expected to smooth? I looked for avg closer to 2.5v (VREFBUF_VOLTAGE_SCALE0). How close to 2.5v should t...
So the startup code first sets the stack pointer, and then jumps to SystemInit for early initialization, then copies the initial values of data and zeroes bss region and then kickstarts C startup. Is there anything hardware related that has to be don...
Hello everyone,I have been working with the STM32L431RCTx on a project where I need to log audio data to an SD card. I have attempted to do multiple things unsuccessfully and would really appreciate your help to see where I am going wrong. I am new ...
Hi there,We use the I2C peripheral of the STM32H755ZI MCU. We operate the I2C in master mode and normally everything works perfectly.However, sometimes the SCL line is kept low for bit longer during an I2C read operation, using the HAL function "HAL_...
Hello, I'm having an issue to use the Microcontroller debug unit (DBGMCU) on STM32H753. I have got IWDG set up and working as expected and would like to have the IWDG frozen during debugging. I have set the DBG_IIWDG1 (bit 18) of register DBGMCU_APB4...
What is the best meathd to of feedback method In sineinverter (like commercial) ?is it good by a forumal appling instead using look up rable .It saves the memoryIf i use look up tableconst unsigned char sin_table[416]={0, 16, 32, 47, 62, 77, 91, 103,...
I found a strange behavior when using TIM1 / TIM17 together with HAL_FLASHEx_Erase.I'm using CubeMX 6.9.2 to generate the project. My application is using the HAL_FLASHEx_Erase function to erase some pages of the flash.This was working fine until I e...