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Hey. I tried to setup `printf` using the following forum post. I am using the `NUCLEO-L4A6ZG`.Here what I've tried so far. I connected the `USART2` to the Pins `PA2` (RX) and `PA3` (TX):(By default LPUART1 was configured and connected to PG7/8, since...
After about an month, I connected my NUCLEO-L4A6ZG to my PC again. STM32CubeIDE nor the STM32CubeProgrammer can't recognize my board. I already tried different USB ports and different USB cables.When Trying to run a program the Error Message in the I...
Hey,I'm completely new to the topic of microcontrollers and currently trying to prepare for an internship (preparation and prior knowledge are not required, but I would still like to prepare myself). Since I already the chip (STM32L4A6) I'm going to ...
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