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I am working on the development of a Bootloader for one of our projects. We are encountering an issue with the file transfer process, and I am reaching out to seek your guidance. Our setup involves receiving a .bin firmware file from a server, which ...
Hello I am Working with EC200U & STM32F411CEU6. I want to uplode code using AWS/cloud or hostinger on my embedded device.I tryed working with AWS S3 But I Did not Undestand How it worksAre there any way by which I can do this, if yes please help with...
i was debugging code HAL_uart_Receive (); sprintf(command, "AT+CMGL=\"ALL\"\r\n");//read all sms HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t *)command, strlen(command), 10); // HAL_Delay(100); HAL_UART_Receive(&huart1, RXbuffer, ...
Hello I am working on the Free RTOS code that I am trying to send the data on the server using Free RTOS but I am not able to send data on the server I am using some dummy data and GPS for location +STM32F411ceu6a+EC200U GNSS. But my RTOS task is not...
Hello everyone,So I am trying to take Input from the sensor and then turn on the LED_1/Sound on and another senarove is that whne I prace the GPIO_EXTI1 turn on the another LED_2. but what is hapning is when senser is not givin Input even then LED_1/...
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