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STM FreeRTOS micro, nano second delay

I m using FreeRTOS functions and discovered that the osDelay could only works on mini second, anyway to perform at micro second and nano second delay? If i create a micro second delay using timer TIM1 will that satisfy real-time prerequisite? Anyone ...

Resolved! Unexpected COMP1 behavior on STM32H723

Hello,I need to detect input when it goes over REF/2 (1.65V). I do supply VREF+ pin with 3.3000V.My signal has offset of 1.2V, and it will go over 2V when I apply signal to it.Everything is working, but it has unexpected behavior. I can only use nega...

Linas L by Senior II
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Resolved! CAN Normal Mode Communication between 2 boards

Hello, I am trying to implement a Normal Mode CAN communication using the STM32F407 discovery board and sn65hvd230 transceiver. It works fine for Loopback mode but when I change to Normal mode I get a Bit Dominant error. I am setting the bit rate to ...

STM32F405 vs STM32G4

Hi ST experts,Does STM32G4 series MCU support Vocoder feature? If yes, do you have any related documents available for reference? Current design is using STM32F405 which can support Vocoder application. Thanks. 

STLearner by Associate III
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Resolved! stm32 HAL Library

Hi Everyone,                    Can i use the HAL based library in my code for making commercial product?                    or                   Need to use only register based code for making commercial products?

Resolved! STM32 F4 CANBUS communication issue

Hello, I am trying to program Can Bus protocol with two stm32 boards. I used MCP2551 and VP230 can transiciever but both of them doesnt work or my code doesnt work I dont know. I am programming normal mode. My purpose is when press the any button of ...

maZers by Associate III
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