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FDCAN with custom bootloader

Hello everyone! BackgroundWe are working on STM32G474VET6 based custom board for some specific motor control application. Project demands to have a custom bootloader on FD-CAN with 500kbit/s arbitration baudrate and data rate with 2Mbit/s with BRS op...

zmiga by Associate II
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STM32L073 datasheet incomplete information

Hi,As per DS10685 Rev 7 (, there are so much information missing, for example:1. Table 17 doesn't mention that the USB pins D+ and D- are bound to PA11 and PA12 ports, respectively, but Table 1...

XR.1 by Senior
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Resolved! STM32L476 SPI3 Using DMA2 Chan 2. No Transmit.

Hello Everyone. My how the forum has changed. Just dropping a recent odd experience here to see if anyone might have any comments. No. I don't use CubeMx and no this isn't another 3 year anniversary item regarding initializing the DMA before any peri...

Octospi vs FMC

Hi,I am doing a new design of a board and I am wondering what is better to have as in interface for a external memory FMC or Octospi? Thank you

aabba.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32CubeIDE 1.13.2 not showing X-Cube-Mems1

Hi All,I have configured for STM32L071xx xx controller bare metal. I was not able to find X-Cube-Mems1 for the controller.Please me know if LIS2MDL (or Mems package) is not supported on STM32L0 series?PFA screen shot of the STM32Cube IdeThanks,Milind

mvk by Associate
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Resolved! RTC clcok slow when turning on LTDC

Hi,I am using a custom board to do some application ( On this application I should turn on LTDC (to use it with touchgfx) and I am also using the RTC.When I am only using RTC alone, the RTC clock i...

aabba.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! CORDIC for phase(atan2) not much faster than math.h atan2

I have two functions to calculate the phase via DFT. In both functions, real and imaginary parts are first calculated, and then the phase is determined using different methods.The first function employs the standard atan2f function from the math.h to...

GHrib.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! flags to use to enable FPU on STM32H5 MCUs

In this document it's stated that STM32H5 devices implements the FPv5 floating-point extensions.From there, how do I know the proper flags to pass to gcc to enable the FPU? -mfpu=fpv5-sp-d16 -mfpu=fpv5-d16other ? 

HPhar.1 by Associate
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STM32F334C8T6,main program is stuck

I wrote an interrupt service function HRTIM1_TIMA_IRQHandler() for PID tuning at a frequency of 200kHZ. Is this frequency selection reasonable, after I enabled this IRQHandler, the main program in main.c no longer works, what is the reason?

LXCCCC by Associate
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RTC Not Running

Hi, I had configured the clock to LSI RC 37KHz using cubemx with AsynchPrediv is 124 and synchPredivdivider is 295 after the RTC initialisation i'm trying to read the time using HAL_RTC_GetTime() but i'm getting the values what i initialised but d...