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Using an STM32H723 I started with a non interrupt USART connection onto a wifi module.I set up the connection on UART3 implementing nothing more than that and using these instructions  int len = sprintf(tx_buff,"AT+GMR\r\n");HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3...
Hello All,I designed and built a bare metal board with an STM32H723ZGT6 and it runs fine.I have blinking LED's, timer / interrupts running, HSE and LSE etc.I have been trying to figure out why if I toggle the power supply the device will not boot up ...
I have a bare metal board with an STM32H723ZGT6.I can connect and program the device.Initially I tried to use the HAL_Delay function but I found it hung the program never returning.This I determined by illuminating an LED on each side of the function...
Trying to connect to a STM32H723ZGT6 for the first time. Does the ST/LINK-V/2 have to use the JTAG connection on this device as I feel it probably does? The 4 pin connection being for the STM8 only? I jave connected as a JTAG connection using jumper ...
I have had a couple of Nucleo 144 test/demo boards for a couple of years and have had no issues with them.So I decided to try and create the simplest PCB from scratch.What is happening is the chip itself is resetting when powered with a repeated sign...
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