STM32 with 64-bit Timer
Can anyone suggest me some STM32 or any other Microcontroller with 64-bit of Timer and Highest Clock Frequency?
Can anyone suggest me some STM32 or any other Microcontroller with 64-bit of Timer and Highest Clock Frequency?
hi friends,In STM32F412 microcontroller with HAL LibraryI put timer 2 in encoder mode and everything works fineI want, for example, if the counter reaches 1500, an interruption will occur, but I don't want the counter value to be reset after this int...
I modified sys clock config as```Cvoid SystemClock_Config(void){RCC_OscInitTypeDef RCC_OscInitStruct = {0};RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct = {0};RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInit = {0};/** Configure the main internal regulator output voltag...
I tried to use the hardware crc for my device stm32f103 . But the STM32CubeMX ( version : 6.10 ) doesnot provide any parameters configuration for this IP. The generated crc.c is as follows :/* CRC init function */void MX_CRC_Init(void){/* USER CODE...
I'm using STM32CubeMX 5.3.0, and RM0410 Rev 4.RM p450 says T_conv = Sampling time + 12 cycles. This is wrong/misleading. Actually, this is the truth:T_conv_total = Sampling time + T_conv_at_a_given_resolution,The converstion times at a given resoluti...
Hi everyone, I am trying to use multichannel ADC. I have a panel and an ntc for which I have to read the voltage vlaues. I have disabled the continuous conversion. sConfig.Channel = ADC_CHANNEL_0; // Select channel for NTCsConfig.Rank = 1;sConfig...
We are having 6 proto boards and out of 6 boards only 3 are working properly, I'll outline my observations: Similarities: All six boards can be programmed/erase the flash.Physically, the orientation of all components is the same for every board.Each ...
hi,DMA setting is in NORMAL mode i am getting output GPIO-C Port via tim2_up .HAL_DMA_Start_IT(&hdma_tim2_up, (uint32_t)pixelclock, (uint32_t)&(GPIOC->ODR), 2);it's working fine but i need to enable call back once data is transferred .the followin...
My STM32F303RE is running with an 8MHz crystal feeding into HSE:Using TIM4 I want to generate 700 interrupts per second, but I only get 318.As can be seen TIM4 runs at 64MHz and the following configuration should trigger about 318 interrupts:Using th...
Hello!I’ve been working with STSPIN32G4 for while with low voltage (9V), it works goodI set 24V and have problems with nFaults, it being set, meaning that driver is turned off, although no fault is indicated, status register: 10001000D3 Indicates if ...