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Using NUCLEO H723ZG & STM32 CUBE IDETrying to send two 32bit data (0xA & 0xB) via spi1 (only two 32bit words per data pkg)NOTE- set up nucleo to close loop back & connected MISO & MOSI / clk=~2.182MHzSPI1 set to 32bit w/ interruptI load 0xA & 0xB in ...
Using NUCLEO F756ZG & STM Cube IDE I am trying to setup & enable interrupt for TIM4 The compiler is not happy with these 4 lines of code   TIM4->ARR=5000; NVIC_SetVector(TIM4_IRQn, (uint32_t)&TIM4_IRQHandler); NVIC_SetPriority(TIM4_IRQn,0); NVIC_Enab...
Trying out a simple timer w/ interruptI am using the below code to enable interrupt However during debug when ever I go to NVIC_SetVector(....)orTIM4->CR1 |= TIM_CR1_CEN; ;//-> CEN=1;//Start Timer4 I get an error'Break at address "0x80009b0" with no ...
Hello all,Just started working with STM - Nucleo is my first trial at thisI am operating at 216MHzI noticed this while loop is taking almost 80uSec to complete with the simple trial floating point calculations& output a square wave that I can see on ...
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