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Forum Posts

Resolved! Make an oscilloscope using stm 32

Hi, everyone I am Talha an Electronics student, I was recently working on making an oscilloscope using STM 32. I recently made a logic analyzer using stm 32 f103 RB. I now wanted to make a simple oscilloscope that simply displays the function generat...

Resolved! H743VI - pin dies away -- reliability problem of chip ?

Hi,Just yesterday on my H743VIT6 (rev. V ) on the running TFT : picture faded away...white screen.I just happened to look at the display , thinking ...ok, maybe one of the thin wires just broke now...TFT (small, 1,8" , ST7735 on 3,3V) connected /sold...

AScha.3 by Chief III
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Resolved! STM32H563ZITx series ADC conversion-Reg

Tried implementing ADC conversion on STM32H563ZI Nucleo board. But, getting only a constant value like 66,67,68,69 in serial monitor(Tera term) irrespective of the given input even the i/p is unplugged getting the same values. Need a help to fix this...

Resolved! Interrupt problem on stm32f7 (bare-metal)

Hello, I would like to contact you because, following the code made on Keil uvision 5, I cannot get my interrupt to work.Objective of the code, turn on and off the LED (pb0) of the card with the button (pc13) on it itself.PCB Used : STM32F767ZI