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Resolved! About Controlling NAND Flash using the STM32U535CE

Hello everyone,I am looking for middleware to control NAND flash using the STM32U535CE.The target device is the Macronix MX35LF4G24AD.I would like to perform page program/read, bad block management, and 8-bit ECC processing per 524 bytes. However, I ...

Ka_T by Associate II
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SDcard remount fails when f_mount returns FR_NOT_READY

Hi all.I'm working on STM32F427VI + Hal Library generated by CubeMX6.2. I use DMA and set the clock frequency of the SDMMC controller to 24MHz.If an SD error occurs through the run of the program, I remount SD Card by the following functions: 1 - MX_...

Reza1 by Associate II
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Resolved! ili9341.c file where is LCD_IO_Init(); located

in the ili9341.c file located  in the "stm32cube_FW_F4_Vxx/drivers/BSP/Components/ili9341.c" in this file there is a function called LCD_IO_Init(); what file is this function at i noticed that in the ili9341.h file the function prototype for LCD_IO_I...

Resolved! STM32G0B1 LSECSS error

Hello, ST expertI'm using the STM32G0B1RCT6 and have enabled the LSECSSON. I've discovered a rather incredible phenomenon. I'm using a 3.3V battery for VBAT. When I disconnect the VDD of the MCU, it abnormally triggers the LSECSS fault. As a result, ...

Sunwaz by Associate III
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Resolved! UART doesn't work

Hi evryone, I'm trying to initialise a very basic UART communication between my stm32 L552ZE-Q and my computer by following this tutorial: I have no errors, no warning while compiling and the problem...

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_Louis_ by Associate III
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Analog Comparator False Initial Trigger

Hello,I am working with an STM32G071. I am using Comp2. I have configured it with the STM32CubeIDE. Presently, It is set to "medium" speed/power, and Rising Edge Input with High Hysteresis. The positive input is set to INP/PB6. The negative input is ...

Carl_G by Senior
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F103 PWM using DMA not working

Hi,I'm usingSTM32CubeIDE 1.6.1Windows 11I can get PWM working using both TIM1_CH1 and TIM2_CH2The frequency and duty cycle are as expected from the settings in the IOC file.However, when I try and do a HAL_TIM_PWM_Stop_DMA(htim, TIM_CHANNEL_1);I get ...

Jorgie by Associate III
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