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Hi all,My goal is to have position independent binaries for my application (on an STM32H7) so that I can update the device while running out of flash (swapping between two different program locations).I followed this tutorial: https://techblog.paalij...
Hi all, I put together a custom bootloader for my application (to allow the program to update itself).  The bootloader itself is incredibly simple.  It just reads from a known location in flash to determine which address to load from and then attempt...
Hi all, We have an STM32H735VGH6 on a custom board with a LAN8742a PHY chip to allow ethernet communication.  This custom board is minimally tested so it's possible that there's a hardware issue though I'm uncertain where the issue would be.  I gener...
I have a STM32H7 with it's FMC signals hooked up to an FPGA in order to allow the microcontroller to peak/poke into FPGA registers.  I had a FIFO in this address space that, if read, would automatically increment to the next value.  I was noticing on...
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