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STM32F437 option bytes programming hangs

Hi, On startup my STM32F437 application checks whether JTAG RDP level 1 protection is enabled.  If it is not enabled then it enables it, ending with a call to HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch(), which loads option bytes and resets MCU. This all works fine, except...

small form factor

in the following link they present STM32 ODE: the video of "Prototype and develop more quick...

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Yaser by Associate
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Timer22 never reach IRQ

Hi everyone,It seems that I have a problem with my Timer 22 configuration, on my Microcontroller, STM32L031 I would like to stop it then restart them with a lower speed to go into sleep mode, except that my interrupt is never triggered.  Do you have ...

Arduino UNO R3 with the x-nucleo-iks01a3

Hi, i connected the Arduino UNO R3 with the motion MEMS and environmental sensor evaluation board system: X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 of ST. I installed the library (STM32duino,LSM6DSO), and tried to create a code for a self-balancing robot. But it doesn't prin...

Giuseppe1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Write to Flash only 64Bit

Hello,Can I only write to the flash with 64 bit variables, or also 32/16/8 bit?I just used this function for this: HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_DOUBLEWORD, activepageaddress + u32_Offset, u64_Data)I have an STM32L432 uC.I already found this ex...

Martin42 by Associate III
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Resolved! USB DFU STM32G474

Hello,I'm using NUCLEO-G474RE kit with soldered USB on PINs:PA11 - USB Data minusPA12 - USB Data plusVIN - VBUSIn the User configuration I have:nSWBOOT = CheckednBOOT0 = CheckednBOOT1 = CheckedThere is programmed program with blinking LED so I know i...

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jha92 by Associate
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Resolved! What is 'digbypass clock source'?

Hi,I started a design with STM32U5 series MCU. In the STM32CubeX's HSE settings, there is a new option "DIGBYPASS Clock Source'. What's the differences with the old 'bypass clock source'?Thanks.