2024-05-29 2:34 PM
[1] I have this board STEVAL-MKBOXPRO. on my PC, I have installed all ST software [IDE, CubeMx, Uni-cleo GUI, Unico GUI, AlgoBuilder Suite].
[2] I have connected this board via USB-typeC to PC.
[Q1] Uni-Cleo GUI does detect the mkboxpro as a COMPORT, i dont see any STMicroelectronics tag on the COMPORT. while connected, there is no firmware version detected.
[Q2] Is there any ST virtual comport driver to be installed for this mkboxpro board ?
[Q3] I was able to connect via ST BLE Sensor App. However, I could not find any latest software image for Mkboxpro, can you please point ?
[Q4] I used the IDE and git cloned this project [GitHub - STMicroelectronics/fp-sns-datalog1: The FP-SNS-DATALOG1 function pack provides a comprehensive solution to save data from any combination of sensors and microphones configured up to the maximum sampling rate available on STWIN and SensorTile.box]. Please let me know if this Project related binary image is loaded onto ?
[Q5] If the official image on the mkboxpro board is not the above one, can you please provide the right link.
[Q6] using tera-term,I see this ST_RQ message [when I try to remove the memory card]. so that confirms that the firmware is doing something and splitting out some reasonable message ST_RQ. In that case, why doesn't step1 work?
2024-05-30 1:40 PM
Hi Team@ST,
[1] using the BT Sensor App does not set the board into DFU mode. I used expert mode and opened Debug Console on Android App. Please let me know how to set the board into DFU mode using the APP?
[2] I followed the procedure in [Getting started with SensorTile.box PRO multi-sensors and wireless connectivity development kit for any intelligent IoT node - User manual] and set the board into DFU mode and was able to program the STSW-MKBOXPRO-FS based SensorTile.boxPRO.bin file. used USB Type C and STM32Cube Programmer.
[Q7] However, still the Unicelo-GUI does not display the parameters and other info about the board?
[Q8] Also, the official image is v1.1.1 [as detected by App]. Can you please point to the SourceCode or the Codebase of this v1.1.1?
2024-05-31 12:11 PM
Hi vlsireddy
This post has been escalated to the ST Online Support Team for additional assistance. We'll contact you directly.
Kind Regards
STMicro Support