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Forum Posts

Resolved! NUCLEO-L4A6ZG Board/ST-Link not recognized

After about an month, I connected my NUCLEO-L4A6ZG to my PC again. STM32CubeIDE nor the STM32CubeProgrammer can't recognize my board. I already tried different USB ports and different USB cables.When Trying to run a program the Error Message in the I...

stmax by Associate II
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SPI Send (sizeof) too big

Hi, I am wondering if anyone has any experience with HAL SPI as when I try in 16-bit mode to make a single packet of data manually and use (sizeof xxx) it sends 2x data packets to the oscilloscope and when I specify the packet size as "1" I get the c...

PLee.3 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H750VBT HRTIM not working

I cant make work the HRTIM. I am using the weact board.I tried HRTIM-A and TRTIM-D using the cubeide (latest updated). the first one using "basic HAL" and the second using "Advanced Hal" instructionsTIM5 works so it seems that clock is working.I adde...

Advanced.jpg Basic.jpg Master.jpg
JLope.11 by Associate III
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TIM Output compare on STM32F407

Good morning community,I am trying to capture output compare unit.Board: STM32F407G Discovery.I configure TIM1 which is 16bit timer on bus1.Reference clock is 12.5Mhz in our case.I am seeing when I run the code only one time interrupt is generated an...

MG1 by Associate II
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Master Assigning Unique IDs to Slave SPI Devices

Hi,I have successfully setup SPI between a master to many slave STM32F373s.  I include an 8 bit deviceID in the packet header and the master always initiates the request.I am looking for the best way for the master to assign unique device IDs.  I'm c...

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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