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Forum Posts


I am using STM32F446RE microcontroller and using MATLAB to develop the logic. Upon launching StmCubeMx, I have kept the clock frequency as 90MHz and 10% duty cycle for TIM1, TIM2, TIM3. So, it gives same output frequency of the pulses (PWM_Output.png...

PWM_Output.png Timer_setting.PNG model.PNG

Resolved! Help with load & Executing Code into Stm32 mcu Ram

I have both STM32F1038T6 and STM32F401CC. I have been trying to get a code to run from ram for days now. Im using arduino ide with stm32duino.  i first create a buffer in ram with malloc then  copy the code to the buffer using memcpy. The code is in ...

KeiKei by Associate II
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Cannot access memory

Hi, I am having problem with string copy strncpy(). I am getting error message "Cannot access memory at address 0x31203a6e" static char *DataBuffer[30] = {0}; for(char *str =strtok((char*)recdata, "\n\n"); str; str = strtok(NULL, "\n\n")) { strncp...

cjaya.2 by Associate II
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Dear Sir,I use NUCLEO-L476 , Once I connect it to usba new window pop up like with the Caption NODE_L476RG .Erasing the CPU still the window pop up.What should I do to make this board to act as plain PCB  

Resolved! stm32f407 Disc and external stlink problem

Hi everyone I'm trying to use external debugger with my stm32 disc1 board. The problem is if i only connect the stlink and my board i can't debug it, but if I power the board with another usb port i can access it.So my question is why do i have to po...

Ahmetp by Associate II
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STM32F437 External Memory Interface

Posted on April 13, 2015 at 14:00In one of our embedded systems we use a MR256A08B MRAM in conjunction with a STM32F437 microcontroller. Sometimes (increasing with temperature) we are observing the problem that we cannot write to discrete bits of th...

Resolved! Error: Interlacing the process

I am using STM32H7 and using the M4 core to output GPIO to control peripherals.I share data between the two cores using the share memory protocol.On the M4 core, I have turned off all interrupts and only control GPIO, but when measured, there is stil...

H723 Cubemax:SPI cannot recieve data

  I has been devloping an ECG program with ADS1292R and STM32H723VGT6.I has been struggling with a problem. The ADS1292R uses SPI and it's register can be read if I use STM32C8T6 which configuerd by libray finction.But when I configuer program with H...

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begall by Associate II
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