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Forum Posts

equivalent application note

HI, Is there an equivalent application note or similar information about sleep modes for the F0 series?, Cla...

Resolved! Stm32 azure rtos

Hi, I am new to stm32 microcontroller. I am finding difficulty to render my html page using azure rtos. As I have seen the example of stm32f429zi nx_Webserver. First of all  I could not find html files in the example folder.However with other GitHub ...

3-wire SPI Configuration

Hello,Currently i'm working on STM30F030 controller.I want to connect TFT display with this controller, display has three pin for SPI (SDA,SCL & CS) and used only for write how to configure controller for 3-wire SPIIf i have to connect...

SPraj.15 by Associate II
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Rare UNALIGNED hard faults on STM32H753ZI

I have project on STM32H753ZI and I am using ADC in DMA mode. Every few hours I get Usage Fault Unaligned access hard fault. Fault is invoked in my ADC_ConvCptlCallback in which depending on ADC value I decide about GPO stateStack during HardFault:Ha...

kicur by Associate II
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Hi,Just started working on a project based on the STM32F446RET MCU. Using the CubeIDE framework (code generated from .ioc file) and having some trouble with USB OTG FS Device mode. If I enable VBUS sensing, then the  USB doesn't enumerate. What's not...

alexxs by Associate II
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