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Hi,I have two MCU communicating with each other via RS485. It's a very simple code one MCU send a data to other and the other is trying to receive this. With MCU2 code everything is fine. It sends data like it should be.Problem is with MCU1 code. Whe...
Hi,I have a problem with my project. There are two boards MCU1 and MCU2. They are communicating with each other via UART. I simplified program to better understand why it is still not working but somehow I still cant see what the problem. Program des...
Hello,I've been doing a small project lately and ran into a problem in one part. I have two STM32 microcontrollers and I want to communicate both of them with eachother over UART. One of them is designed to send a fixed array of 6 charactersuint8_t k...
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