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Hello guys! we generally configures UART in the cube mx and generating the codes, and after by calling Transmit and Recieve functions we are checking the outs on serial terminals.. if we dont get desired outputs then we are trying to dubbug and testi...
Hello Community!Now a days i started Working on STM32H747 Discovery board. im trying to configure Ethertnet on Cortex-M7 core.i enabaled ETH in connectivity with RMII on M7 core. Selected FreeRTOS with CMSIS V2 and enabled the DCache. now when im try...
Hello Community!Recently i have started working on USB MSC using RTOS. Im using USB HOST Library version 3.5.2 and latest version of CubeMx.When im generating the code by selecting FreeRTOS CMSIS V2 and pulging my USB drive to CN13 connector then the...
Hello Guys!I'm using STM32F746 NUCLEO board for USB Bootloader application. And I'm using CubeMx 6.9.2 for configuring USB device. when I'm connecting my USB device on CN13 connector and monitoring the Application State in debug ... so its always Sta...
Hello guys!Is anyone knows how to store background image of touchgfx into SDRAM.  I have tried changing linker script ... but while dumping the the, in builds logs im getting "Reading from SDRAM 0xD010000l: Verify failed".