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Resolved! STM32U5 SAI interface to 6 PDM microphones

Hi,I am considering STM32U5 to interface up to 6 PDM microphones. I see that  with some STM32U5 version 2 SAIs interface are available. How many PDM microphone can I interface in this case? I found some specific documentation related to G4 (up to 6 m...

Gerva by Associate II
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Resolved! Again Microsecond timer on STM32C011F6U6

Hi,I tried to reach 1us delay. To do that I use a timer on 1MHz and try to reach more or less precision delay. void delayMicro(uint16_t delayMc) { __HAL_TIM_SET_COUNTER(&htim16,0); // set the counter value a 0 while (__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&h...

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Resolved! First steps with STM32F446 and SPDIF

Hi,I just got a Nucleo 64 with an STM32F466 and want to start developing some own softwareinitialise the MCU for with the maximum clock possibleread 96 kHz stereo SPDIF frames from one of the inputs (polling would be fine)analyse the received data (j...

HMüll.4 by Associate III
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Resolved! FDCAN not working on Nucleo U545 boards?

I've tried both Zephyr RTOS and an STM32CubeIDE HAL project, and cannot get the FDCAN interface to work.After performing requisite initialization steps, I add a packet to the TX FIFO. No error is returned, but no packet is transmitted. I can repeat t...

robzeno by Associate II
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Resolved! Programming stm32f4 with openOCD @2.5V

Hi,some flash operation depends on the MCU supply voltage (see picture).I would like to program an STM32F401 with openOCD, where the MCU is supplied with 2.5V.Is the possible?If yes, - Can I use the stm32f4x.cfg or are there modifications needed?- Sh...

T B by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 NUCLEO and Simulink

Hi , I am trying to build a simple program for blinking leds in Simulink using STM32 NUCLEO F746ZG. When I push on "Build", Simulink gives me this error. Does anyone know how to fix it? Thank you in advance

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Windows not recognizing STM32F103RBT6 in DFU mode

Hello there!I have a custom board to control a motor, which I have tested so far using SWD, but now I need it to use the USB DFU to upload new code. As far as I get it, to make the DFU work, I have to put some code in the microcontroller. Following s...

FelipeLw by Associate
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Resolved! STM32WL5M I2C and the Sequencer Utility

Hello.Recently I received an B-WL5M-SUBG1 board and started to develop a LoRa applicationbased on the LoRaWAN_End_Node example that I got from STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.3.0 archive.I managed to get the example running and sending LoRa packets.My objective n...

c-scherma by Associate II
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