User Activity

So far, I have the feeling that you can connect ITRx only to TRGO of other timers.I am wondering if it is possible to connect them to other signals, e.g. ADC, UART, etc. signals?For example, if I have: Slave Mode: Reset ModeTrigger Source: ITR0Clock ...
I am studying STM32 timers (I have a Nucleo F446re) and I am wondering what is a use-case for this configuration Slave Mode: DisabledTrigger Source: ITR0Clock Source: Internal In my understanding you use ITRx when you want to cascade timers (i.g. TGR...
The error message I got is the following:C:\ST\STM32CubeCLT\GNU-tools-for-STM32\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe: TUI mode is not supportedMy gdb version:GNU gdb (GNU Tools for STM32 11.3.rel1.20230912-1600) (C) 2022 Free Softw...
As per title. I can build the SW but when I try to flash with CubeProgrammer my Nucleo f446re I get the error that no probe is detected. I am pretty sure that I am missing ST-LINK drivers. I made a search on the community forum and all I could have i...
Is it enough to drag-drop the app from Application folder to thrash bin or is there anything else I should do?