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Forum Posts

Firmware Upgrade Using Ethernet port

Dear friends,I am developing a controller using stm32f407vgt6 microcontroller and I'd like to add the capability of firmware upgrade through Ethernet port in my controller.I've read about Ethernet IAP (In-Application Programming) UM1709 but it is no...

Mujtaba by Senior
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SPI NSS/CS when working with registers and DMA

Hello, i've been trying to get SPI working in conjunction in DMA.But with "bare metal register implementation" i can't even get the NSS working properly. The Stm32F730 needs to hold NSS/Chip Select high all the time, except for when communicating wit...

Please guide me

I have stm32 board : NUCLEO-L496ZG-P and would like to make a simple helo word code in C and see out put by SWD debug connector in ITM unit (FIFO),  SO i create simple hello word as follow:IDE : stm32c...

CG3 by Associate III
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U5 Website claim: 16.3 μA/MHz Run mode @ 3.3 V

Under what conditions is the U5 website and datasheet claim "16.3 μA/MHz Run mode @ 3.3 V" reached? I do not see anything as low as that in the datasheet and it is far lower than e.g. the U0 claim "Run mode (LDO mode): 52 μA/MHz". Clarification welco...

Choosing right CPU in STM32

Hello, I would like to ask you as a beginner in STM32 what product (the best case is the product that is possible to buy with Nucleo kit) I should target to for the application I will describe here:I need to use two ADC channels with 1 MHz each and a...

Timer reset using RCC

The problem: if TIM2 is used prior to my code, then it gets stuck at a certain point, even though all the registers are properly set.* Here is the configuration of TIM2 registers when it works fine:(gdb) x/21 $TIM2_BASE0x40000000: 0x00000001 0x000000...

0xfab by Associate II
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Bootloader choice

I have a STM32F405RGTG MCU and want to load a bootloader on it. I am using UART and I2C and want to program it via USB-C. How do I chose the right bootloader? Does ST have original bootloaders I can use? Thank you.