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Hello,I am using the stm32u5 SBSFU application and I am trying to implement my own 64 MHz clock. But when I change it from 160 Mhz to 64 Mhz the application does not work. Can the SBSFU clock work with less than 160 MHz or does it have to work only w...
 Hello,I am trying to compile the TFM application, but when building the TFM Appli Secure project, it says it cannot find the file tfm_parse_manifest_list.exe and gives me errors because not all the .h files that should be generated by running the pr...
Hello,I would like to use the TFM application on STM32CubeIDE for the B-U585I-IOT02A board but I can't find the application anywhere. Any help?
Hello,I had two STM32 boards connected to the PC, and I ran the program from SBSFU to configure one of them. However, the second board, which also had the SBSFU application installed, was configured as well. Now, the second board cannot...
Hello,I have created my own program using TrustZone and I want to add the SBSFU_BOOT project to it. How can I do this?
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