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Forum Posts

STM32F405 ULPI USB3343

Hello Guys,I am new to STM and USB HS but have some experience with PICs and other AVRs. I've designed my own custom board (for a keyboard). So after I generated the USB HID code with STM32cube IDE, I successfully downloaded it to the STM, however, n...

maubla by Associate
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NOR Flash(external memory )- Status error

Hi all, I'm working on the NOR Flash via OSPI(using as QSPI) with the STM32U585 board. implementing this via filex and levelx, i have done all the configuration referring to the example provided by ST with the minor changes. I'm getting error in the ...

meghasb by Senior
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Working with STM32 is so frustrating

This morning I got an email from ST which included a section on using VS Code to target STM32 CubeMX projects.This appeals to me since the STM32CubeIDE is seriously lacking in focus from ST. It has looooooong standing bugs which no-one cares about, b...

KMill by Senior
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USB project example

Hello,I need very simple communication of my STM32F722RET6 via USB (Full Speed) - I need to send every 10 ms only data of 20 bytes to some program made by C# in Visual Studio. I found some samples of USB communication on GitHub but I was not able to ...

Timer callback issue?

Hi,I have timer with period 1 sec (80 MHz clock):  htim2.Init.Prescaler = 80-1; htim2.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP; htim2.Init.Period = 1000000-1;  Global var (volatile uint32_t) increased every time counter wraps around void HAL_TIM_PeriodE...

Lex by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H503EBY uart bootloader

Hello! The AN2606 manual does not describe which pins of STM32H503EBY UART1 uses.STM32H503EBY have WLCS25 package, but i found information only for others packagesOn SO8, WLCSP18, TSSOP20, and UFQFN28 packages USART1 PA9/PA10 IOs areremapped on PA11/...

EAlek.3 by Associate
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no indication on the display

Hello,what do I have to change in the code so that I see something on the oled display 0x78?Maybe someone has a tip for meThanks :)...#define ssd1306_I2C_Port hi2c2#define ssd1306_I2C_ADDR 0x78...#define ssd1306_WIDTH 128#define ssd1306_HEIGHT 64...I...