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Forum Posts

Resolved! Stm32G431KBU6 CANFD can't work when BRS On?

Hi community:      I'm using CANFD on stm32g431kbu6 board, but I find some issue that CANFD cant work normally with BRS ON,my config of CANFD show in the comments。Does anyone know about this?   Thanks

eason_Yi by Associate II
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Trustzone application

Hi,I have utilized the GPIO toggle TrustZone example in B-U585I-IOT20A board to understand how TrustZone technology operates. Once the application is running, if I press the reset button, the application does not restart.Looking at the debugger, I ge...

Need a driver for USB to CAN for Windows 11 Arm

Hi I am new here. I am looking for a driver for Windows 11 Arm (parallels M1). The chip on my board says STM32F105. The driver that worked for me last time on other Windows was:  dpinst_amd64 Can someone advise a driver for Windows 11 Arm (running Pa...

grisom by Associate II
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CPU Utilisation in STM32

Hi How Do I get the cpu utilisation in stm32?I am using STM32F205 with platformIO Ide.I dont want to use Task list view in freertos as it is intended for debugging only.Any help would be much appreciated.Thanks

JThom.15 by Associate III
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unable to get the output from the code:

Hi Community.I am Running a code which takes two adc values to generate duty  and one timer for PWM generation. Elaborately i am running an MPPT code by taking voltage and current from PV panel which is read by PA0 and PA1 of STM32F446re micro contro...

STM32U5G9-DK2 - Power the board using external 5V

Hi, looking at the scheme it seems possible to power the board by providing an external 5V supply on the 5V Arduino PIN (CN5, pin 5, which is the output of the linear regulator feeded by V_IN), and removing all the jumpers on the CN1. Is it correct? ...

bluluiss by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 cryptographic firmware library for STM32U5

Hey,in the past we used a STM32F4 and in the new Gen I will use the a STM32U5 and there is my questen about the cryptographic firmware in the past we could use the libSTM32CryptographicV3.0.0_CM4_GCC.a but now is there also a Lib for the stm32u5?