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Forum Posts

Resolved! ADC Polling for multiple channel not working

i am trying to use multiple channel on a single ADC to measure certain voltages. what i have noticed is that let say i have selected 3 channels now in configuration of cube MX i select no of conversion to 3 and as soon as i do that Ranks get added be...

Screenshot 2024-08-14 103128.png
rahul7515 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32L4P5G-DK + STMod+ (MB1280) + WRL-17146

Greetings,I have STM32Cube IDE installed, created some test apps, blinking LED's, RTOS threads, mutex and so on,writing on UART2 (virtual serial) is working well as I have working output on virtual COM port using putty on serial.I want to access UART...


Resolved! Possible to disable external reset on STM32G4?

I am aware of the special bits to stop the IWDG and WWDG while the core is halted, but is there a way (option byte, SWD command, SFR, etc.) to configure an STM32G4 so that it will ignore the nRST pin being pulled low? I am particularly interested in ...

jacobq by Associate III
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Program for flashing over FD-CAN

Hi, I have ported the Open Bootloader to the STM32G431 and has flashed it and is able to communicate with it over FD-CAN. Is there any program out there that I can use to flash programs using the bootloader over FD-CAN? maybe the CLI version of the S...

STM32C011 SPI with DMA on registers

Hello, I have been prubbing to run SPI transmission using DMA for some time now. So far I am trying to send a variable, but something is not working. Without DMA it works without any problem. Would anyone be able to help?

Resolved! Syncronous Timers

Hi,I'm running two timers on STM32F303 which do square wave output on two hardware pins. They are clocked by the 72MHz internal clock. They count down to 0 and reload from ARR register, which sets the output frequency. The two timers run perfectly sy...

DetlefS by Associate III
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STM32Cube USB Host Driver Interrupt Flood

Posted on January 30, 2016 at 17:47Hey folks, I've been working on USB host driver for MIDI, and so far I can enumerate the device and get data flowing. But as soon as the device is attached I get crazy numbers of interrupts related to IN transactio...

elmood by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H7A3QIY6QTR+1.8V HyperRAM

Hello STM32 Teams,   I want to use STM32H7A3QIY6QTR + 1.8V HyperRAM solution. STM32H7A3 datasheet said that 1.8V HyperRAM is supported. But I can not find any 1.8V HyperRAM solution from both stm32 community and EVAL Board.  All STM32H7A3 VDD Power p...