Resolved! STM32F446VET7, SystemClock_Config(); FAULT
I used STM32F446VET7 on the board I PCB printed. When I use HSI, I can debug without any problem, but when I want to use HSE, SystemClock_Config(); function enters ErrorHandler().Can you help me?
I used STM32F446VET7 on the board I PCB printed. When I use HSI, I can debug without any problem, but when I want to use HSE, SystemClock_Config(); function enters ErrorHandler().Can you help me?
I can not find any instruction in documents about gpio configuration in alternate function mode. For example I want to configure SPI GPIO. Examples found in the internet have different configuration. Is it unimportant to configure push pull and pull ...
Dear Stm32 users,I currently plan to design an analog function generator and capture System.The old System used an analog lock in amplifier circuit to excite and capture noisy signals from a measurement source.For cost and pcb size saving i am consid...
Hi,I´m running ADC1 (IN1, IN2, IN6, IN7) with DMA process. Everything works fine. But if I try to initialize afterwards the DAC1_OUT1 (normal or DMA - both tried) I get a hard fault. Is there a general collision between DAC and ADC or would could be ...
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Hello,I have an STM32L432KCU chip that's on a custom board. I have exposed SWD pins for debugging and flashing. Currently I'm only able to flash and debug the chip if I supply the STM with 2.2v from my external power supply. If I run the STM at the s...
I have been trying to figure out which code exactly needs to be put in SRAM4 memory region for the LPBAM tool to work. All the examples I could find only use SRAM4 and fail to explain which parts are strictly needed to be placed in that part of the m...
For a project I am using a number of timers to generate and/or monitor digital signals in a custom protocol. I stumbled upon a glitch in a timer Output Compare channel which I would like to share to find whether this is recognized and if there is a p...
I have configured the STM32F030 with DMA for RX, and when sending 0x05 from a PC, I observed 0x7d on the debugger. Upon checking HAL_UART_GetError() during reception, it showed HAL_UART_ERROR_FE. I am unsure about the cause of this issue. Could you p...
I'm encountering an issue with the ADC on my STM32H745ZIT6 microcontroller when reading voltages from a power supply. Here's the problem in detail:I'm using the ADC to convert analog voltages from a power supply into digital values. However, I've not...