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Forum Posts

Illogical Prescaler Behavior

I wanted to see what would happen when I set the prescaler for an interrupt lower and lower.My expectation was that the main loop would lose out on it's share of processing time, but I was surprised when the results of my test were mixed.Essentially,...

Who never thought of this, about ST tools?

I would very much like to know what ST work methodology?This should be thought of "of" or "of" whom to right of opining and to manage.Of course it's not me, I'm just a customer.Thoughts from engineers and managers !!!!Ok, let's get the tools you need...

startup script for dual bank debugging

I'm working with the STM32L152RE, which has dual flash banks. Each bank has a binary file image loaded. I'm trying to start the debugger in Bank 1 (0x08000000), have it stop at main() (or some specific address) and debug in assembly. I haven't been a...

LThal by Associate II
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What is SPI vs SPI MSP for STM32

Posted on March 28, 2016 at 17:23I am new to the STM32 product line and starting to write SPI code using the STM32cubeMX module. I note in the cube drivers manual that they provide both HAL_SPI_Init and HAL_SPI_Mspinit.  Looking through the web and ...

Resolved! Inaccurate STM32F769i-disco ADC

I want to read data from PT1000 thermistor. After succeeding in communicating with the TouchGFX model and displaying the content I wanted, I now want to be able to read real time temp. For this job I have PT1000 sensor. I have made the ADC to work, b...

lyuIvanov by Associate II
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Fast UART Receive Interrupt with FIFO mode

Hi all,I need to install a communication between 2 STM32H743 units (on one board) with maximum speed (10 MBit) on UART mode and I need to check incoming characters to detect Linefeeds etc. The problem is that with FIFO mode enabled (Threshold 1/8) in...

GS1 by Senior III
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USART in Synchronous Slave Mode with Interrupt not working

Hi all,I try to install a synchronous USART communication between 2 x STM32H743, one is the (transmitting only ) Master the other is the (receiving only) Slave. When transferring data via Polling everything seems to work well.But when using HAL_USART...

GS1 by Senior III
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Problem with data transfer between 2 MCUs via I2C

Hello, dear collegues!Please help me with I2C!I use I2C to transfer data between 2 controllers: STM32F051C8T6(Master) and STM32F100C8T6 (Slave). When I use laboratory power supply, it works without some problems. But when I use external power supply ...

GKlim by Associate II
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