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On a NUCLEO-H743ZI board, I am using ADC3 configured like so:16-bit mode 6 MHz ADC clock8.5 cycles sampling timeTriggered by TIM3 to scan 4 channels every 10us BDMA puts the results into a memory bufferThe problem I have is that for a given voltage, ...
I'm using a Nucleo-H743ZI and have configured ADC3 to trigger off of TIM3. It is scanning 4 channels every 10 us. I also have BDMA configured for the ADC. The ADC end-of-scan interrupt is occurring every 10 us, but the DMA interrupt is only occurr...
On the Nucleo-H743ZI board, I'm trying to configure TIM3 with a 10 us period. With the internal clock source at 200MHz, I would expect these parameters to create a 10 us TIM3 interrupt:htim3.Instance = TIM3; htim3.Init.Prescaler = 200; htim3.Init...
I am using a NUCLEO-H743ZI board. Using STM32CubeMX, I was able to set SYSCLOCK to 400 MHz like so:With STM32CubeIDE, it won't allow me to do the same:What should I be doing here instead?STM32CubeIDE has been really frustrating.