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Saw issue in another thread about CubeIDE 1.13.1 unable to generate code from F7 1.17.1 (, CubeMX v6.9.1 (Windows) won't eve...
CubeF4 version 1.26.2 and CubeF7 version 1.16.1 and 1.16.2 are missing the enum value for HardFault_IRQn in all of the device specific include files (ex. stm32f429xx.h and stm32f746xx.h). It may be missing in earlier versions, I did not check. Cube...
STM32CubeMX version 6.2.1, target STM3G474VE, CMSIS v2. If you create a time with "static" allocation, the "FreeRTOS Heap Usage" tab shows no heap usage by that timer. However, osTimerNew() always allocates the TimerCallback_t structure from the he...
CubeMX ver 6.2.1 (and also 5.6.1). Start with a new project (STM32G474VE TQFP100 in the attached IOC file). Map pin PC10 to an EXTI function (in my case, falling edge with pull-up) and enable the NVIC EXTI15_10 interrupt. Make sure this pin is "pi...
Running CubeMX version 5.6.1 on Win10. No internet connection, so I manually copy the CubeL4 zip files to the PC and then try to install via the "Install/Remove" button under software packages. I have CubeL4 1.15.0 installed. When I check 1.15.1 a...