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  Hello, I've designed a PCB with a schematic nearly identical to the STEVAL-WBC86TX. The only modifications are a capacitor and coil size change, which I've also implemented on a development board for direct comparison. On the development board, my ...
Hello, I am using an STM32G061K6T (only MCU I could find in stock at the time) and I'm try to communicate with an EEPROM via I2C.I have the SCL and SDA mapped to PA9 and PA10, respectively with 3K3 Pull up resistors. SDA pin is pulled up and stays up...
When i the touchscreen on my LCD it occassionally presses somewhere else on the screen to where i have pressed.The simulation on touchgfx works perfectly which means it isnt the code ive implemente in the virtual functions. Only assumption is that th...
Hi, I am using a Nucleo F401RE with ILI9341 LCD Display and Touchgfx. I have managed to get the display working with a single framebuffer but the RAM on the MCU isnt capible of handling the full screen size (320 x 240), so i will have to use partial ...
Hello, I have recently switched computers and i have installed Keil IDE and CubeMX 5.6.0 onto the new PC, but when i create a project i get an error saying:"The code is successfully generated under........ but MDK-ARM V5.27 project generation have a ...
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