2019-05-22 04:26 AM
Hi Community,
I try to develop my first test app for the STM32F69i board. I got STM32CubeIDE environment working, generated project with all the default settings for this board. According to STM32F769i docs user LED1 and 2 are hooked up to port J, pins 5 and 13, so within the main() method, after HALL_Init(), I placed the following code:
while (1) {
I can step-through the code in debug, I believe it executes but the LEDs do not blink.
What am I missing?
2019-05-22 05:19 AM
You would need to initialize the GPIO J clock somewhere, and then initialize the pins as outputs.
2019-05-22 02:53 PM
Thank you! I expected this to be part of the default setup for this board. I will investigate.