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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F0: Re-configure clocks after exiting stop mode

Hi All,I'm working with an STM32f091xC on a new design and I'm currently tryingto enable stop mode to conserve power without fully entering standbymode. I seem to be entering stop mode properly, but I'm having quite abit of trouble exiting stop mode....

RWebe.3 by Associate
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Resolved! FreeRTOS debugging: Where am I?

I'm trying to debug a 429 FreeRTOS app using LwIP, which periodically has a huge (1.5 second) delay whilst trying to pump out messages. Using Atollic 9.1.0, Segger debug code on Nucleo-429ZI board. I can stop the application when it pauses, but the F...

What is the TIMx_CCy event?

ADC control register 2 (ADC_CR2)Bits 27:24 EXTSEL[3:0]: External event select for regular groupThese bits select the external event used to trigger the start of conversion of a regular group:0000: Timer 1 CC1 event0001: Timer 1 CC2 event0010: Timer 1...

YAn1 by Associate
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STM32F072RB systick not firing

I have an application running on an stm23F0-discovery the code is quite simple:HAL_Init();SystemClock_Config()while(1);The code is  built and debugged using IAR workbench 7.5The discovery clock config uses the internal HSI 8mHZ clock source. I have a...

Note to ST: HAL & STM32CubeMX are awesome!!!

Posted on September 18, 2017 at 19:27 To ST Microelectronics (especially the programmers who work on HAL & STM32CubeMX): I see a lot of bellyaching on these forums (especially from knowledgeable grizzled veterans) complaining about the HAL (Hardw...

more time before WWDG activation

Hi,I use WWDG for my project.That work great in error case but i have some spontaneous activation.How can i configure WWDG to have a higher period?here my init,i'm i write to take WWDG_PRESCALER_8 instead of WWDG_PRESCALER_1?/** * @brief WWDG Initi...

MMath.10 by Associate II
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