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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F334 Tim3 Prescaler

Dear all,I am in difficulty to adjust Timer 3. Let me explain with examples:Internal Clock is 72 MHz and it is used for also Timer 3 as an input clock.1- When PSC: 36 and ARR: 124 it should generate an interrupt every 62,5 us (we can assume it genera...

TA1 by Associate III
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Applying voltage to output pins

Hi people.I have a circuit which must enables an LDO by pressing a button which applies 4.2~3.7V to EN pin of regulator. after enabling LDO, MCU (which is from F0 series) powers on and takes control of LDO EN pin by applying a HIGH output on EN pin w...

STM32L0 Comparator interrupt.

Hello!I am trying to generate COMP2 interrupt on the rising edge on Input[+] of COMP2.Input[-] is conected to ground and Input[+] is connected to pull down resistor.What is strange that interrupt is generated only when Input[+] is connected to ground...

LMehm by Associate II
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STM32F446RE Mongoose

How to setup mongoose with STM32F446RE ?In mongoose browser window STM32F446RE not available.How to start program using mongoose for STM32F446REbelow i'm added mongoose board available on browser window

chum by Associate II
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simple spi on F103 have little problem

hi i use two spi and connect together spi 1 send(Full D Master) and 2 receive(Full D slave ) all in dmaif i change send buffer, in receive first array not change. it was first init that send dma uint8_t TXBuf[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; uint8_t RXBuf[10...

MacLaren by Associate III
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What is the response for STM32H7 DFSDM in FastSinc mode?

The STM32H7 reference manual revision 6 gives the FastSinc response as:However this seems to make no sense. The first part is a normal sinc^2 filter, but the second part describes an impulse + delayed impulse, which results in a quite strange frequen...

jpa by Associate II
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Hard fault issue while transmitting data on UART

Hi All,I config UART on interrupt, after receving data on UART simple sending data at that time hard fault occur.UART enabling code MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_DMA_Init(); MX_USART2_UART_Init(); MX_RTC_Init(); MX_SPI3_Init(); MX_TIM2_Init(); MX_TI...

ASaxe by Associate II
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