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Remark : I am asking this question again, since even after trying multiple times on my own, and asking on other platforms, nobody has answered it yet. I can't figure out how am I supposed to configure as slave. So sorry for that. I am not able to del...
I've been trying to set up MCU (STM32 L432KC) as an I2C slave device. I have previously tested it as a master device to interface with a port expander(MCP2307) and it works perfectly fine.The following is the code I am running. The master sends 1,2,3...
Trying to receive data on MCU (L432KC) configured as SPI slave. I have tried using interrupt and DMA, but no luck. I have set up the circuit like this : 1 MCU acts as master sending 1,2,3 every 500ms interval (I hooked up master lines to scope and th...
I am trying to implement I2C communication with L432KC (bare metal coding) to interface peripherals like port expander, eeprom. But I am having a hard time figuring out the TIMING register. I have several questions:tPRESC = (PRESC+1) x tI2CCLKThis is...
Pardon me for asking repeated questions on SPI, but it's giving me a lot of issues. So far I have configured two STM32 boards as master and slave, and ran code for MOSI and MISO lines individually which seemed to work fine. Now that I combine those c...