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The manual writes: At startup, a BOOT0 pin (or nBOOT0 option bit) and an nBOOT1 option bit are used to select one of three boot options:But I did not find nBOOT1 in Pin definition. I don't know how to configure the pins of BOOT mode.

km naxin by Associate II
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Resolved! LPUART configuration in STM32L4R5ZI board

Hi,I am using STM32l4 nucleo-144 board to create an example application for LPUART1 communication.Part number - STM32L4R5ZII have configured the GPIO and required clocks. But still not able to do a successful transaction. /* Enable Power Clock */ ...

SP.3 by Associate II
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CanBus Simple Code Not Working

I made a simple connection like in the figure. The processor's Tx pin is connected to the Rx pin. When I look through the oscilloscope, I can see the data flowing.When I debug code :It goes to the error code in the picture during tx.Code:CAN_FilterTy...

0690X00000AqN24QAF.png 0690X00000AqMZRQA3.png 0690X00000AqMxsQAF.png 0690X00000AqMxxQAF.png

stm32f7 file operations on 8GB eMMC

Hi,we have custom board based on stm32f7 and 8gb emmc is mounted on the board.As i see in other posts,we are also seeing CID,CSD values which results in 1gb capacity(not 8gb capacity).At the moment we don't want to execute EXTCSD and recalculate act...

Tp by Associate II
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Stm32 spi

I have this code in Arduino,but i need translate in hall library,could have i the translate?​Tested code:Code: [Select]​#include "SPI.h" unsigned int result = 0; unsigned int result1 = 0; unsigned int result2 = 0;​void setup (){Serial.begin(9600);SP...

SDall by Associate II
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I am trying to read the measurement registers from MPU6050 via i2c, the MCU was able to detect the MPU6050, but i am not able to read the measurement registers, i am using the Hal i2c drivers and i have pasted my code ?

int main(void){  /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */   /* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* USER CODE ...

ADC with DMA reads random zeros

Hey there, I'm using a STM32H742 Eval Boards to read analog data with the ADC with DMA. I want to do multiple measuremts very rapidly.In the first measurment the ADC reads a couple Zeros (see plot, note: plote is bit older and has multiple measurment...
