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STM32F469 external QSPI loader

Hello, I am trying to create an external loader for N25Q128A QSPI. I'm currently developing on STM32F469I-DISCO. My loader doesn't work once loaded into STM32 ST-LINK utility (nor in CUBE programmer). If I modify my project adding a main file with a ...

PaulQ by Associate III
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I am doing I2C project with [MPU6050][1] using [STM32F4DISCOVERY][2] board. The ADDR bit in SR1 register is clearing in one instruction execution without reading SR2 register. Because of clearing ADDR bit, I can't do acknowledge disable is made during EV6

The datasheet states:>ADDR: Address sent (master mode)/matched (slave mode) This bit is cleared by software reading SR1 register followed reading SR2.In case a single byte has to be received, the Acknowledge disable is made during EV6 (before ADDR fl...

HI ALL. In Our project with STM32F103 we're using FLASH as EEPROM. with reffering to "AN2594 Application note EEPROM emulation in STM32F10x microcontrollers".

in some cases that we encountered, 2 types of failure occur. 1- when powering up, ALL sectors of flash, are Erased. we guess ESD makes all sectors erased. with additional protection in power circuit, this problem solved.2- after powering up, we reali...

MSm by Associate II
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Porting code from STM32L151ZD to STM32L151ZE

Hi,I had to port to STM32L151ZE from STM32L151ZD  because of a RAM limitation. The code seems to work as it is, however I am facing issues in SPI communication when the SEGGER J-Link debugger is kept connected to the board. I tried probing the clock ...


I use the following code to create critical section. Is it correct?I use the __get_PRIMASK() and __set_PRIMASK(primask_bit) from exemple codes. Why are they needed? Why disable is not sufficient?Must I enable the IRQ after or is it done in the __set_...

Mich1 by Associate III
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STM32G47x Flash layout (dual vs. single bank)

Hello,I'm hoping to get clarification on the dual-bank flash availability in STM32G47x parts with fewer than 512K of FLASH. The datasheets (DS12288 & DS12712) cover the B, C and E flash sizes. The first page refers to "up to 512KB Flash", yet there...