The question pertains to maximum rise time specification for STM32L151CC OSC32_IN when Low-speed external user clock is generated from an external source. This specification, according to the datasheet, is 10 nano seconds. This seems unreasonably fas...
Hello,In the STM32H753AI datasheet, there are footprint guidelines for all the packages, except for the UFBGA169 (see attached image).Has anyone built a board with this package? Where did you find any info on this type of package?Is there a database ...
I'm creating an I2C library for PCA8596 to control servos using STM32F4 Discovery as master. I already checked the PCA using arduino, and it worked. It also compiled well and can be uploaded.The problem is the SCL and SDA from the stm didn't generate...
ST,Please update AN4861 for 'H7Please link to AN4861 from the 'H7 product folder webpagesPlease fix links to AN4861 on forum - those given by Amel and Imen are usually broken, you can find them by searching for DM00287603Thanks,JW
Hello everyone, I want to work on STM32 series of controller which supports 480MHZ or above clock rate and Auto grade temperature range(I.e Grade0: -40degc to 150degc (or) Grade1:-40degc to 125degc).We found STM32H7 series which supports our applica...
I am witnessing interrupts on EXTI9_5 line which have absolutely no electrical stimulus. I'm seeing this behavior consistently on multiple chips so this isn't a one-off.The GPIO in question (ONE_WIRE_PIN) is PA8.GPIO initialization here:mIRQConfig.Pi... to OPT instead of OTP
I am using keil to program STM32F103C8 MCU and I have the the library files for GPIO read and write functions but it is not working. There are no errors. I am just not sure about the parameters I am passing to functions. I have attached the code and...