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Hello, using the Ethernet PTP hardware on the STM32H743 processor in slave mode, I synchronize my clock's value and counting speed within the Ethernet peripheral to that of the master device. Is the system clock used by the processor core to execute ...
Hey,I am trying to send some sine wave signal over usb audio class to computer. I arranged usb descriptors so computer recognizes mcu as microphone but I am struggling to send sine wave. I create sine wave with dac and I read it with adc. what should...
Hi,I am trying to implement simple GUI with TouchGFX 4.20 on STM32F303 MCU. I have limited amount of memory for GUI. Even few kBytes important. When I look memory consumption of TouchGFX I see weird functions that I don't call or not to use some widg...
I am switching 5V relay with BJT using MCU(STM32G030) pin. When clock speed is 64MHz(max speed) and 1ms timer update interrupt is enabled, not every time I switched relay but sometimes MCU goes into hardFault handler. But if I disable timer update in...
Hi, I am trying activate read protection to level-1 with using batch(.bat) file. I am commanding to ST- Link Utility via batch file. My batch file code is like that:@ECHO OFF"C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK Uti...
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