STM32 MCUs Products

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Forum Posts

GPIO current in Standby mode

I try to run a LED with GPIO during Standby-mode. The GPIO Pin is configured as pull-up.When the MCU changes form Run-mode to Standby-mode the LED brightness reduces.The voltage is constant, so I think there is not enough current provided.Is it possi...

BKarl by Associate II
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F4 or F3 board with ext. RAM and SD ?

Does anybody know a board with a STM32F4 of F3 with the following features:external RAM, 1 MByte or moreSD card interface, alternatively Debug port with VCP or ethernet interfaceA display would be optional.Had been looking at the usual suspects (ST, ...

Ozone by Lead III
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Usage of HAL_SPI_Transmit

Hi,normally i use HAL_SPI_Transmit    HAL_GPIO_WritePin(Port, Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET); HAL_SPI_Transmit(...)   HAL_GPIO_WritePin(Port, Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);Is it possible to use it like following;   HAL_GPIO_WritePin(Port, Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET); HAL_SP...

ACan.1 by Associate II
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