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Hi,i am working within a 1.8V system for digital supply. I am currently designing the schematic but I struggle how to integrate the STM32WL55 into an 1.8V system while assuring I am able to achieve +22dBm output power. The issue is that the datasheet...
Hi,I am current reading the material to develop a LoRa application. My PCB is wicked small, therefore the chip-antennas wont have a good ground plane and therefore bad efficiency.While reading about the RX-path, I stumbled upon AN5457 where in figure...
Hi guys,I am trying to optimize interrupt latency and execution speed on an STM32G474.The natural thing is to use the CCM-RAM for what it is intended... while it potentially lowers the interrupt latency, my code actually performs worsewhen executed f...
Hi guys, i am at a complete loss; even with describing the problem.I have a 6-layer board with the USB3300 directly underneath the H750(100Pin LQFP), so traces are short and basically optimal. I use CubeMX to generate an example -> I use MCO2 as 24MH...
Hi guys, I have a crazy curiosity at my hands. The STM32G474 is a "category 3" device, therefore it has 128kB of RAM with the upper 32kB being CCM-SRAM. It is really nice that it is all addressable in one continuous block.When i use the upper 16kB of...
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