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Hello ST Team,I am currently working on developing my application in C++ with cubeIde and MX. To achieve this, I have created a C++ file where I have listed all my objects and functions in C++. To incorporate this into my C code, I use the "extern C"...
Dear ST Team,Greetings. I'm currently employing the ST ISM330DLC accelerometer and gyrometer in my application.I've noticed some unusual readings when the gyrometer is stationary, and I would like to inquire whether this is expected behavior.I've opt...
Dear ST hello,I am working on a driver on STM32F429, and I have to declare 104 uint8_t buffers.In some cases I am facing an issue with memory, The buffer is overwritten by another application the buffer values change when I iterate through it the buf...
Dear ST Hello,I am trying to use the ISM330DLC 3D accelerometer and gyroscope with the stm32F329Discovery board and I am facing some problems when I want to read and write all the registers every 10 ms ISR period.I want to try to change the registers...
Dear ST,I am using the ISM330DLC gyro and accelerometer,In the electrical connection mode 1 I have a pin called VDDIO.In my application I connected this pin to 3V but, I don't have any idea what is the use of this pin?Thank you for explaining
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