I just would like to write/read to/from external flash on the development board and will really appreciate a hint how to make the easiest way. I have configured QUADSPI interface only for M7:QUADSPI Mode: Dual bank with qaurd linesChip Select for Du...
Hi all,I'm doing reliability analysis (according to Telcordia SR332 Issue 3 method) for a design and i need MTBF/FIT value for STM32F103RB.Best Regards
Greetings,Disclaimer: I have started learning about programming MCUs a couple of weeks ago, so my qustion might seem ridiculous, please don't blame.I'm working on spectrum analyzer project based on a noname board with STM32F103RBT6 mcu.The shematic o...
Hello. I have stm32f407 MCU. I need read 6 ADC channels by timer (2 Khz) and store adc data to 6 circular buffers. What is better way do this?
I am using STM32CubeIDE to configure an stm32f107vc on a custom board. I selected half duplex on uart1, with a pin remap, and received the following setup code: /**USART1 GPIO Configuration PB6 ------> USART1_TX */ GPIO_InitSt...
Hi,I am developing a programmer over the SWD and need some advise. One of the tasks is to unlock the Flash with the unlock bit in the FLASH_CR register. I have found a reference manual and it says the offset is 0x10 but I can't find anywhere which st...
I'm making my own low level CAN driver. I have a problem releasing the CANperipheral from sleep mode. So there are more requirements then I found so far. LL_AHB1_GRP1_EnableClock(LL_APB1_GRP1_PERIPH_CAN1); LL_AHB3_GRP1_ForceReset(LL_APB1_GRP1_P...
Hello ,I am using Standard Peripheral Library with STM32F3VCT6 mcu. I want give delay without using timer of it means want give delay by using RCC clock. Is there any thing by which it can be happen.
I would like to run my modified stm32f0x.cfg in system workbench.Basically just added to turn off PLL before programming it. Whenever I try to modify this stm32f0x.cfg and run debug session system workbench detect change in environment and overwrites...