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Forum Posts

Hi Guys, I'm using an STM32F401 board, accompanied an expansion board, and by a VL53L1X (people counter) sensor. It works for 10minutes then the board crashes and the only way to get it working again is by resetting the board.

Hi Guys,What I'm usingSTM32F401 board accompanied by a expansion board (X-Nucleo-53L1A1) and using one VL53L1X (people counter) sensor.ProcessI managed to flash the board and use the counter with success. To view the board USART messages I use the mi...

AElek.1 by Associate
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unexpected reset after changing the GPIO mode on Fly.

Dear experts, my STM32F042G6 is unexpectedly reset after I switched on fly CAN_TX GPIO to output GPIO pin.  for this I did this steps.1).HAL_CAN_STOP() and then  2). GPIOA->MODER &= ~((U32) "pinX");   GPIOA->MODER|= ~(U32) "pinX");I have also made th...

RHeza.1 by Associate
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Differences between PWM channels 2, 3, 4 in TIM8?

I think I am missing something obvious about a difference between channels 2&3 vs channel 4 in the TIM8 after staring at this for some hours now...I am using the STM32H750 discovery board, and created a project in CubeMX which configures PI2, PB14 an...

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KJ.2 by Associate
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