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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32 CAN Normal mode

Hi All,I am currently working on the CAN normal mode in a custom board with MCU STM32F098RCT6 and CAN transceiver TJA1042. Very first I tried the loopback mode and it was successful. Then I am now trying to interface two custom boards using the norma...

Resolved! STM32F769 DCMI (Digital Camera interface)

Posted on February 16, 2017 at 07:28      1>> We understand thatSTM32F769 DCMI(Digital Camera interface) is able to process YCbCr 4:2:2 and RGB 565. We could see sample camera program in STM32Cube with video input as RGB 565 format to DCMI module and...

Resolved! PA15 as TIM2_CH1 doesn't work on F103RG with SPI 3 on

Hi all,I'm using a F103 on my current project. I have trouble using the PA15 as TIM2_CH1 which is connect to a LED. I also have a serial flash connected via SPI on PB3 to PB5. As long as I don't activate the corresponding SPI timer in the RCC_APB1ENR...