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Forum Posts

Time Delay in FFT performance

Hello community,The CMSIS DSP library supports a 4096-point FFT, but my project requires a 16384-point FFT. I added some extra library files (downloaded from GitHub; these files are written in C) to my project and successfullyperformed a 16384-point ...

SA  V.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32U5F9NJ FDCAN Peripheral Not Initializing

Hello,I'm having problems implementing the FDCAN peripheral on the STM32U5F9 TFBGA-216 package. The peripheral is present and configurable in the IDE, but none of the registers update during initialization. In addition to my code, I've tried a bare p...

dhein by Associate
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How to write data efficiently to an SD card ?

I am writing data to an SD card for a data logger application, but I have very little experience with writing to SD cards so I want to ensure I am writing the data efficiently.My understanding is that data is written as a sector of 512 bytes.  So eve...

johngj_2-1707419795099.png johngj_3-1707421018110.png
johngj by Senior
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Resolved! STM32F103RB AF bit of I2C1_SR1 don't work

Hello,STM32F103RB microcontroller.7-bit master transmitter (see Figure 273).When I send Address then I receive AF bit of I2C_SR1 register equals "1" (Acknowledge failure). But the diagram taken from the oscilloscope shows that after the address there...


Resolved! STM32H745: USB MSC stuck at configASSERT

Hello :)I have created a project for a STM32H745I_Disco board in TouchGFX, imported it to STM32CubeIDE and enabled:USB_OTG_FS -- Host_Only and VBUS sensingUSB_HOST_M7 -- Mass Storage Host Class + Platform settings for enable PinFATFS_M7 -- USB Disk, ...

FabianEbs by Associate III
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Resolved! How to diagnose a Hard Fault Exception on STM32F407IGT

HelloAfter running the code for about one to two hours I always get Hard Fault exception. Readout of the registers in this Hard Fault while loop are:HFSR=0x4000 0000CFSR=0x8200BFAR=0x20020000MMFAR=0x20020000AFSR=0 Readout of the SP register shows:SP=...

SMali.3 by Associate III
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BiSS-C Implementation

Hi All,we are evaluating the possibilty to use a BiSS-C encoder in our project. First time using BiSS-C.From the BiSS-C standard it seems to me that BiSS-C can be implemented at STM32 level by mean of an SPI peripheral connected to an Rs422 transceiv...

Bucky by Associate II
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